S & S - Baseball

Stars and Stripes Sports ACE Testing- Team Placement
Season: Stars and Stripes Sports Columbia/Lexington/Irmo
August 22, 2024 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EST)
Sports and Skate Station (Lexington, South Carolina)
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 Stars and Stripes Sports ACE Testing- Team Placement  We do not cut players, we develop them!

We have proven a long standing ability to develop players on and off the field and have been doing so as long as anyone in Columbia, SC area.  We are not for all families, only the ones who like accountability and professional services. 

Stars and Stripes Sports will be providing ACE Testing and Team Placement opportunities for area players who are looking to play 9U to 18U around the Columbia, SC Area.

Cost is $25 for the testing data and setting up player profile if not yet already done.  It is time to get busy developing the right way and for committed families to have professionals who have proven they can develop players.

We will have teams at each age group and will offer training and development opportunities.  We are looking for committed players. 

Stars and Stripes Sports Travel Organization
Columbia/Lexington/Irmo- South Carolina
Headquarters: 129 Oak Drive, Lexington, SC 29073
Stars and Stripes Sports has been providing baseball/softball development for many years
in the local and national market. We have had hundreds of teams using our brand in
offering families an affordable and meaningful experience focused around player
development on and off the field. Today’s players play too much and practice too little with
much of the focus on social aspects that are not addressing the root of development in
properly preparing players for High School, College and beyond. Test and Train Sports is
the arm of the Eco-System that provides the development structure. Clients get both
companies resources when joining our program.
Stars and Stripes Sports has the experience and resources necessary to provide the
necessary environment for families to benefit from. No matter the need from 8 years old to
the player who has already completed playing in High School, College or Professionally, we
collaborate with individuals who can enhance our program. You will see many coaches in
Stars and Stripes Sports who played for Stars and Stripes Sports because they understand
the values we bring.
Baseball/Softball families have choices and if you value proven experience and an
objective Data-Driven process that validates the developmental journey then you can
consider joining our program. We are not looking for the best players and for families who
put themselves in front of the program. We are here to feed passion and know that most of
our players go on to play collegiately after having a successful high school career. Before
that takes place, we teach players and families how to approach the game and build a
foundation that is meaningful.
Stars and Stripes Families are for life! This is not a seasonal thing, families, coaches,
professionals from all over the country value their participation and relationships built
while involved with this program. We have had over 25,000 individuals play for our
organization in the United States, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Canada and the Dominican Republic.
Stars and Stripes Sports were deeply rooted in baseball and softball well before many of
the “big names” were even in existence.
Many of our coaches were Stars and Stripes Sports players who understand the value
provided by our organization. We have groomed and will continue to groom up and coming
coaches who want to make an impact.
Invest your money in development and where you can measure the progressive
development of the athletes participating. We are a very transparent organization that
caters to providing a structured approach with accountability for all stakeholders. If this
sounds like something you are interested in feel free to contact me at
Stars and Stripes Sports Details
Participation Benefits
• Athlete Management System used to test, train and develop athletes while allowing
all stakeholders access so everyone can be accountable
• ACE Capacity Testing- Benchmark current capacity and use specialized
programming to influence the specific needs of each athlete based upon their
• Tracking the progression of development to evaluate and adjust daily programming
ensuring proper growth and development
• Daily Athletic Performance Survey- Holding the athlete accountable to the day-today implementation of programming provided by Test and Train Sports
• Test and Train Sports Village partners- top professionals in the country with specific
influence capabilities
• Deliberate practices focused on Movement Efficiency, Defense, Offense and Base
• Proper professional instruction of position specific technique
• Exposure to top professionals with specific areas of expertise that can influence
athlete and assist with gaining mastery of skill
• Consulting services for athletes and their families who need direction with moving
up to the next level. Lean on professionals who have done it and who are doing it
where the athlete’s best interest is always the most important.
• National network of teams, professional instructors, professional coaches and
other resources specific to developmental needs
• Objective, Data-Driven feedback, that speaks the truth
• Affordable immediate influence with long-term influence to athletes playing the
game all the way to athlete coaching/instructing in the game
• Environmental experience opportunities with regional, national and destination
teams within the Stars and Stripes Sports Eco-Ecosystem
• Trusted and proven professionals who set the proper example and who get validated
results in the developmental process
• Teaching competitive adaptability and what is really important in athletes’ journey
• Providing an abundance of support with like-minded families who celebrate the
success of all athletes within the organization
Fall Season – September 1 through December 31
Spring Season- January 1 through August 31
Travel Team Structure:
Professionally Coached Team- Coaches who have played or coached in college or
professional baseball. These coaches are all mentored by and accountable to Stars and
Stripes Sports Administration.
Parent Coached Team- Coaches who played baseball at some level but who thrive in
helping with developing players. These coaches will be mentored by and accountable to
Stars and Stripes Sports Administration.
Stars and Stripes Sports teams focuses on player development and for players to develop
they must attend practice and receive professional instruction to gain mastery of skill.
Playing in games is the test of what you have learned and retained in your training, families
participating in this program value this approach. Family commitments are from one
season at a time.
$100 per player -Seasonal expense to families for organization to properly manage this
process, provide the Athlete Management System that acts as the compass for player
development while providing all the equipment necessary to develop and run practices.
Families pay this to confirm their commitment to the team.
$150 per player for uniforms. We will provide two hats and two tops for each player. Players
must wear grey pants, navy belts and navy socks. If a team wants to “custom” their
uniform order and do their own thing that would have to be unanimously agreed upon by
that team and coordinated outside of Stars and Stripes Sports Administration.
Stars and Stripes Sports typical practice plans are to practice 2 times per week.
$20 a practice fee for those paid in advance for the month- 8 Practices a Month
$25 a practice fee for those who just show up and pay for each practice
Stars and Stripes Sports typical tournament entries are every other week for local
tournaments during the season. 8 to 10 tournaments a season.
Pre-Paid- Month in advance (if playing in September two tournaments, you must pay
by September 1 the amount due)
FIXED ROSTER PLAYER-Guaranteed spot on a team
$75 a tournament when paid in advance – 2 per month for a professionally coached team
$50 a tournament when paid in advance- 2 per month for a “parent coached team”
Per Event Payment (pay the week of the event- All tournament payments should be
made before the player starts playing in a game)
BULLPEN PLAYER (not committed to all the tournaments, playing from time to time
based upon team availability and player availability)
$100 a tournament when paid per event –for a professionally coached team
$75 a tournament when paid per event- for a “parent coached team”
*If a team decides to travel and play in a tournament that charges higher fees, an
additional $25 to $50 will be added to the tournament fee. The Head Coach will
manage this with each team. One or two is ok but we are not intending to use these
teams to travel and create unnecessary expense. We provide “National Team” options
for players wanting to go play in other states and other tournaments.

Stars and Stripes Sports Team Participation Terms
Stars and Stripes Sports State Teams
8U - 18U Players
Goal: Provide opportunity to players wanting to take their games to the next level who
show the ability, dedication and character to do so. These teams will focus on player
Ages 8U- 18U
• 10 to 14 Man Roster
• EVERY player must pitch- Everyone will try, no one player will be taxed to injury
• Must be committed to the organization and team focused on being a team player
• Must attend practices on a regular basis
• Must attend tournaments you commit to
• Do what you commit to do- Always communicate with any issues that may arise
• Stars and Stripes will provide a “Qualified” Head Coach who will also act as the
General Manager of the team. A “Qualified” coach is a person who has
played/coached or is playing/coaching in college or at the professional level.
And/or if applicable in your area, you may participate on a team with a parent
Head Coach
• Assistant coaches will be designated by the Head Coach and may be a parent.
• Be on time and come prepared to get your work in
• Not “play time”, focus on task at hand
• Regular attendance
• Become a part of a National Organization that values proper player development
• Athlete Management System utilized for testing, training and development
• Professionally managed practices with long term development ideas in place
• Athlete Testing- benchmarking where player is and identifying specific needs for
each player based upon their testing
• Professional resources- access to Mental MRI, G8Way Max, Neuro Guard,
Latella Neuromuscular Training, etc.
• Proven organization with thousands of past participants who have gained value
from relationship with Stars and Stripes Sports
• National reach, being able to travel and play at whatever level you wish within an
organization that is connected in all states.
Miscellaneous Details
• Parent and player must sign agreement and agree to abide by Stars and Stripes
Sports governing criteria as set out in contract
• Players are expected to make every tournament registered for unless an
unforeseen issue arises.
• Stars and Stripes plans to continue to build this program on a National Basis and
to establish multiple teams throughout the country representing Stars and Stripes
• We will bat a continuous line up
• We will practice “Free Substitution” on defense with no player sitting out more
than one inning at a time
• We will track and follow USA Baseball guidelines for pitching, always looking to
minimize the chance of injury. We will develop many pitchers so no one or two
pitchers will ever carry the burden of the team on their shoulders
• All players will be able to participate on Regional, National and All-American
teams as they wish. Also, we have destination teams that travel to Dominican
Republic and other areas that will be available.
Stars and Stripes Sports Team Participation
Congratulations on joining Stars and Stripes Sports State Team! What a great honor
and opportunity for you to represent your family, city, state, baseball program and this
wonderful game. This designation requires a strong commitment to excellence and
leadership. Eyes will be focused on you and expectations will be extremely high.
There will be struggles along the way as an unusual amount of pressure will be placed
upon your son and family carrying this title to the ballpark. Stars and Stripes has
selected you because you have good baseball skills but also just as important you have
great character and personal skills.
This is the first step in your journey with Stars and Stripes. We aspire to be a partner
you can count on throughout your career. There are many obstacles that will be placed
in your way in your development process, and we want to be able to provide the
resources necessary to see that all the obstacles are conquered.
You are now a part of a Nationwide Family of players and families who share the same
goals and aspirations. It will be great to follow the career of other talented people
across the United States drawing strengths from their success and knowledge from their
failure. While a teammate today, it is most likely you will be playing against one another
in amateur events across the country, in college and professionally if fortunate enough
to make it to that level.
It is as important that the parent’s bond and build relationships as well as the players.
We look forward to making this a great experience and welcome feedback as to
suggestions or ideas you may have to make this a great experience. Every player and
family member is required to build up each teammate and the program as we are all in
this together. If you ever feel you are bigger than the program you are free to go join
another program.
Player Code of Conduct
Stars and Stripes Sports Teams are administrated by Stars and Stripes National
Director- Kelly Ahrens. It is hereby understood and agreed that Directors will provide
the necessary direction and decisions to guide this program. Players and family
members agree to the following terms:
1. Have Fun!
2. Work hard. Do not let anyone out work you!
3. Always be supportive of your teammates and other Stars and Stripes Sports
4. Do as you are asked to do and do so with your best effort.
5. If you do not have anything good to say, keep it to yourself.
6. Never show up an umpire for any reason.
7. Never talk to or address a coach, player or parent from another team under any
circumstances as competition is taking place, before and after game included.
8. Always “Sprint” to your position on the field from the dugout and from your
position in the field to the dugout after each inning. NEVER WALK.
9. Always run through the bag at first base full speed no matter what the situation is
on a ball hit to the infield
10.Never show “Negative Body Language” and never “Show UP” another team.
11.Always respect your coaches and address them professionally.
12.Never allow your parents to speak on your behalf, learn to speak for yourself.
Players must carry and be responsible for their own equipment, drinks, etc.
13.Never allow your parents to come to dugout and converse with you during a
game. Please plan properly and manage drinks, equipment, etc.
14.Practice hard, play hard and always be a good sport.
15.Make sure you are properly prepared and ready every pitch and never take a
play off.
Parent Code of Conduct
1. Have Fun
2. Support your son, the team, and all other Stars and Stripes Teams!
3. Do not “coach” your son be his parent and provide unwavering support always.
4. Never address an umpire or react negatively to a call, allow the coaches to
represent and fight for the best interests of the players and the team.
5. Never address an opposing team's coach, fans, or players during or after a game
about any sportsmanship issues.
6. Require your child to pack and carry his own equipment and to learn
responsibility as if they were away and he had to do it on their own.
7. Do not criticize your child or add more pressure, remind them this game is about
how to deal with failure. It is unrealistic to think of your child or expect your child
to be able to manage “Failure” without a good support system.
8. Remind your child the most important play is the “Next” play, or the most
important pitch is the “Next” pitch, you cannot go back and undo what was done
so learn from your experience and move forward.
9. Provide value and support to this organization, never being selfish in approach,
understanding that if you assist with the development of your child to become a
good teammate, they will prosper and develop in the proper way.
10.Unconditionally support the team, coaches and program respecting the
importance of the development of all players on the team not just your child’s.
Player/Parent Contract
Player Name ____________
Agreed and accepted this ____ day of ___________ I agree to the terms and conditions of this contract
and agree to represent Stars and Stripes as a Stars and Stripes Sports Player. I hereby agree to allow
Stars and Stripes Sports to utilize any pictures and or video of me in any capacity necessary as deemed
appropriate by Stars and Stripes Sports towards the promotion of Stars and Stripes Sports.
I agree and accept the responsibility to provide statements to newspapers, radio shows, TV anchors and
all parties from the media that may be covering Stars and Stripes. I understand any actions that I take in
a negative capacity can jeopardize my participation with Stars and Stripes Sports.
I understand Stars and Stripes Sports can, at the discretion of the National Director, remove me from my
participation with this team at any time as deemed necessary to protect the name and reputation of Stars
and Stripes Sports. I agree to do my best and put forth a good faith effort to represent Stars and Stripes
in the highest regards.
I understand this team will have 10 to 14 players and my participation on this team is critical to the
success of this program. If for any reason I cannot participate due to health issues or any unforeseen
instances, I will transfer my position to one of the “Alternates” as decided by Stars and Stripes National
I understand my participation with this team is contingent upon me being committed and able to attend all
specified events.
_______________________ ______________________
Player Signature Parent Signature

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